Our Services
Student Success Coaching
Sessions are designed for students who are ready to make a change with the support & involvement of their families
Student Success Coaching helps students to manage their responsibilities by implementing important executive function, active learning, and study strategies to reach academic success! Sessions ensure that students are prepared, up to date, and on track with their schoolwork.
Implementation of Executive Function Skills
Students will be coached to use executive function and active thinking strategies in how they approach their schoolwork and routines. Mindful questions around what needs to be done, how they know, where they can find it, what's involved, how long it will take, and how they know they'll be done will help students approach their tasks with a thoughtful and engaged lens.
Areas of Focus
➡️ Organize their physical and electronic materials
➡️ Discuss and identify their assigned schoolwork (assignments, tests & exams)
➡️ Create a plan of action to tackle each item & break it into small, manageable parts
➡️ Develop a time frame to complete each task, and estimate how long each part will be
➡️ Use a visual calendar system to map out the plan for each item
➡️ Identify study skills and test-taking strategies needed to complete each task
➡️ Develop & enhance note-taking skills
➡️ Develop skills & strategies for active reading comprehension
➡️ Develop strategies & structure for active written expression
Cost: $125.00 per 50-min session / $62.50 per 25-min follow-up session
Students who are registered for Academic Coaching gain access to our add-on services ⤵️
Specialized Tutoring
Specialized Tutoring offers a unique approach for complex learners to develop their understanding of academic concepts, by utilizing approaches rooted in organization and executive function strategies. Additionally, the following process is put in place:
Preview Upcoming Work
Working one-on-one, students will preview (or pre-learn) upcoming academic materials. This allows them to get a first look at the materials in a one-on-one environment that holds their full attention (not distractions like in the classroom) and uses differentiated learning strategies and methods.
Learn it a second time in class
When learning the materials in class, it will be the second time they are being exposed to the subject matter. Since they had pre-teaching, they will already be aware of the subject and have an understanding of it, which will help them stay more focused and engaged in class.
Independent Practice
Students complete their homework and practice examples using methodical steps and strategies.
Re-teach and Review
Students will review their independent work and go over any issues or concerns; tutors will re-teach and review where necessary.
Cost: $70.00 per hour
Coached Homework Support
Coached Homework Support offers students the opportunity to approach and complete their homework and studying using methods rooted in executive function development:
Step 1: Develop a Homework Plan
Students work with their tutor to review all of their assigned work and make a plan of what they will do that day.
Step 2: DO your Plan
After students plan their work, then they will implement their plan by putting it into action. Working with their tutor, they will complete each item. Tutors will also be able to help with academic support if needed and will ensure that work is done properly, thoroughly and completely. Active participation in their school work, such as note-taking, showing your work, and study strategies, will be integrated into all tasks.
Step 3: Accountability
Once the work is complete, the tutor will ensure that all items worked on are submitted as expected, or that items are packed away into the schoolbag where they can be easily found the next day. Additionally, after each session, parents will receive a copy of the student's homework plan.
Cost: $70.00 per hour
Study Hall
Study Hall + Body Doubling = Academic Success for Complex Learners
Historically, a study hall is a structured environment that acts as a dedicated time and place for focused academic work. In theory, this sounds great, but complex learners need more than just a place to do their work -- they also need accountability! That's why we incorporate body doubling, a practice where students work on and complete potentially frustrating tasks with another person nearby, keeping them accountable and on track.
Combining our Study Hall with Body Doubling makes it a powerful tool for student success:
✅ Safe, encouraging & structured environment
✅ Calming & supportive supervision
✅ Predictable setting where good study habits can be built
✅ Focus on concentration, productivity & accountability
✅ Reduced anxiety & less overwhelm
✅ Understanding & non-judgmental presence
✅ Opportunity to utilize & develop self-regulation skills
Study Hall = Academic Success
Small group sessions for students in grades 6 and up
Sessions take place virtually in 1.5-hour time blocks
Students work in their own breakout room, providing privacy and a quiet, focused environment
Each student is set up with a plan for the day & accountability check-ins and support are provided
Cost: $50.00 per 1.5 hour session