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Reading with Magnifying Glass

Les étudiants se rencontrent virtuellement ou en personne dans nos bureaux, pour travailler avec leur tuteur Brightside. Au cours de ces séances, ils sont coachés pour élaborer un devoir ou un plan académique pour cette journée, reçoivent un soutien pour mettre en œuvre leur plan, puis suivent des mesures de responsabilisation pour assurer les étapes finales (soumission du travail et/ou planification pour effectuer des travaux supplémentaires en dehors du session) sont terminées. 

Executive Function Foundations

This unique and specialized one-on-one course will provide students and their parents with the basic foundational executive function skills in order to be equipped with the skills needed to implement strategies and become independent learners. Areas covered include: situational awareness, flexible and reflexive thinking, time awareness and task execution. This course is geared for students to attend with their parents.


Format: 8 x 45-min sessions

Cost: $880.00


Reading Comprehension & Written Expression

This one-on-one program is designed to help students develop and enhance their reading comprehension and written expression through the development of hands-on, participatory and active techniques and strategies. It will include reading between the lines and inferencing, identifying themes, developing plans for written work, idea generation and organization, and writing strong and structured paragraphs.

Format: 8 x 45-min sessions

Cost: $880.00

Academic Support

This one-on-one program gives students a head start to the upcoming school year by giving them a first look at the upcoming year's materials and allows for academic remediation where needed. By using differentiated learning strategies in a one-on-one environment that holds their full attention (no distractions like in a classroom) students are better able to grasp, truly understand and master important concepts. When they return to school, they will then learn the materials for a second time in class. Since they had pre-teaching, they will already be aware of the subject and have an understanding of it, which will help them stay more focused and attentive, and allow them to keep up with the class.

Format: 8 x 1 hour sessions

Cost: $560.00 

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